Saturday, October 1, 2016

LuLaRoe consultants and one month in...

Wowza! What a month LuLaRoe Kyra and Jaida have had launching our LuLaRoe business. Transparency is one of our key strategies for success, so with that in mind, here's a few tips, tricks, and advice that we learned our first month in:

1.ADVICE: Create a strategy to support your goals! Our sponsor and other consultants told us that to set goals for our first month and beyond, but it took about 3 weeks in before we realized we didn't have the foundation to support those goals. That foundation being a strategy to help us reach those goals. That strategy includes how often we will be in front of our VIP customers, when we will update our Facebook photo albums, how often to book parties, both online and pop ups, etc. How key strategy is:
  • Facebook photo albums are updated with new inventory every Tuesday morning.
  • VIPs will have a chance to shop the newest inventory not yet in albums via a weekly Facebook live video sale on Thursdays at 7pm CST.
  • Facebook multi-consultant sales are great for building clientele, so we will do a multi on any Saturday that we don't have a hostess party (online or pop up).
  • Focus our time on planning larger traffic events to target bulk sales for the month, but use hosted parties for building relationships with our VIPs.
  • Reorder leggings with every purchase so that we never run our and always have a fresh batch!
  • Be Transparent. B-E-TRANSPARENT. Share how why with everyone. Share our how to anyone interested. Share our successes, failures and dreams. This only helps keep it more real for us and following the right path to reaching our goals!!!
2. TIP: Focus on your own business and worry less about others. That's simple enough! Keep your mind set on growing your own LuLaRoe business, clientele and even partnerships, and worry less about al the other stuff you see on social media or hear from other consultants. It's okay if another consultant had an awesome pop up selling over 100 items, or that another consultant received a big batch of unicorn leggings, or that another has 5000+ VIPs and you're still hovering at 500. Each consultant is different with different goals, amount of time, selling technique, etc. Make your business about you and what you want it to be then build those other consultants up! It will come back to you tenfold for sure!

3. TRICK: Utilize SHOP THE ROE or ROW WITH ME. Some sort of online platform that will help you keep track of sales, inventory, and provide an easier shopping experience. We have been using SHOP THE ROE and it has truly been a lifesaver. Especially since our business is a partnership and we live 30 minutes apart. STR has helped us stay organized and on top of our game more than anything else. We learned a lot during our FREE monthly trial and are sure the second month's $9.99 fee will be worth it!

We set a first month's goal to sell 120 items and fell short by only 6. However, the first day of our second month is ending with big sales, several online and pop up parties booked, and new multi-consultant party sales planned. Stay tuned for the second month's update to see how these two working moms are doing with a part-time LuLaRoe business!

Until then, please contact us for any questions on hosting a party or learning more about being a LuLaRoe consultant.

LuLaRoe Kyra and Jaida

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